The 20 minute rule

I believe, no matter what your situation, you can dedicate 20 minutes per day towards making progress on something that’s important to you. I also believe everyone should start a business at some point; whether your business goes on to change your life, or, you never have a single customer, you’ll learn vital life lessons you can’t get anywhere else. If you spend 20 minutes a day working on starting a business, in a month, you’ll accomplish more as an entrepreneur than 99% will in their lifetime. That is, until everyone starts following the 20 minute rule.

The point is, in order to be exceptional, you always need to be doing something to gain a competitive advantage. 20 minutes a day is the least you can do, however that alone puts you in a special class. Whether you’re looking for a new job, learning a new skill, growing your network, updating your portfolio, or legit starting / growing a business, you’re consistently making more progress towards whatever your “backup plan” is.

You will shock yourself with what you can do with 20 focused minutes a day. Anytime is good, but I recommend in the morning to start your day right. I also recommend putting a basic plan on paper, topping it off with goals, checking in on them regularly, asking others for feedback, and regularly spending time reflecting on what you’ve done and how you can improve.


Everyone is creative